If asked what my professional purpose in life is I would say that it is to intuitively support and guide people through life’s challenges. All psychics are confronted with universal questions such as: “Does he or she love me?”, “Will I find a home?”, “Will I find or get a job?”, “Will my loved ones be okay?”, or even, “What is my purpose?”. Often times, the cards will address these questions directly. But there are times when all of us individually, or even collectively, are dealing with a big life lesson. If this is the situation, the tarot will provide a map on how best to navigate the circumstances of the mental, emotional, psychological and even physical way forward towards resolution or a goal. Ultimately, our higher consciousness and spirit always seems to have the last word. And one thing is clear: we are all in this together. So with tarot cards, a bit of channeling and medical intuition, I can help make sense out of life’s unknown and unclear moments.
Vicky’s Kitchen Tarot
Process Tarot and Medical Intuition
I support people in their own process.
What I offer
3o Minute Reading
45 Minute Reading
60 Minute Reading
I am currently offerings readings in person every Friday in Santa Barbara. I also offer zoom or phone readings anytime.
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About Vicky
Vicky began what was to become a full blown love affair with the tarot more than thirty years ago. As a medical intuitive Vicky can clarify physical issues and point people in directions that are both physically healing and emotionally empowering. She believes that we all have the answers within us and the cards present a picture of our authentic selves, illuminating old outworn scripts and habitual patterns. Her unique multiple deck approach gives a multilevel experience focusing on the physical, emotional and spiritual bodies. Vicky has a third level Reiki healer, an animal Reiki healer, a certified earth energy healer and certified medical intuitive with a strong predilection towards all things shamanic, spiritualist and divine in nature. I am a medical intuitive and cartomancer.
Tarot has been used for divination since the 1600s utilizing numerology and images. I’ve been reading the cards since 1984 and am self taught. My process combines the use of multiple decks including various multicultural decks and oracle decks to name a few. I’ve found that this technique lends itself to quite an in depth reading for people.
I have worked extensively at Paradise Found in Santa Barbara and the Mystic Merchant in Solvang.